
Exercise Three: Possibilities

This exercise is designed to help you narrow your focus to achieve what you're reasonably capable of today. If you're experiencing difficulty turning your thoughts into action, this one's for you.

Time: Approx. 11 Minutes

In under 15 minutes, you can reimagine your future, whether that future is defined as the next few minutes, or the next six months. How? Like so…

  1. Take out at least three pieces of paper and pen or pencil (it is critical that you NOT type this onto a keyboard).

  2. Across the top of the first blank page, write: COULD DO

    On this page, you will work beyond the lines or limitations. Draw, emphasize, underline… whatever you feel the appropriate companions might be to help you form a list of all the actions, tasks, projects and endeavors that you COULD involve yourself in, or invest your mental energy in. Take a breath, look away from the sheet, and then write a few more spontaneous thoughts.

  3. Across the top of the second blank page, write: SHOULD DO

    This is where we start eliminating the temptations associated with avoiding important work, shirking responsibility, or not facing a conversation or task that might be difficult. Write out all of the things you SHOULD do. These are NOT what others think you should do – this is what YOU believe you should do.

  4. Across the top of the THIRD page, write: WILL DO

    This is where you examine the previous two pages, compare and contrast, evaluate and COMMIT. What are the things you WILL do? Their importance and resonance will show up immediately. NOW you are free to be effective, present, and engaged because you did the HARD WORK: You thought, evaluated and eliminated in an objective fashion. NOW you are free and powerful.

Flow through The Decision Frame.

Enjoy your newfound freedom and power.

How was your experience?